Kurute  Ganga  Sagar  Gamanam

Vrata  Paripalanam  Athava  Danam

Jnana  Vihinah  Sarva  Matena

Bhajati Na Muktim  Janma  Satena.

Kurute = goes to pilgrimage,

Ganga sagar gamanam = to where the Ganges meets the ocean,

Vrata parilalanam = observes the vows,

Athava = or,

Danam [krute] = distributes gifts away,

Jnana vihinah = devoid of experience of truth,

Sarva matena = according to all schools of thought,

Muktim = release,

Na = not,

Bhajati = [he] gains,

Janma satena = even in hundred lives.

One may, in pilgrimage, go to where the Ganges  meets the ocean, called the Gangasagara, or observe vows, or distribute gifts in charity. If he is devoid of first hand experience of Truth, according to all schools of thought, he gains no release, even in a hundred lives.  


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