VAYASE  GATE  =  When the age [youthfulness] has passed,

KAH  =  Where is,

KAMA VIKARAH = Lust and its play?,

SUSKE NIRE = When water is evaporated [dried up],

KAH = Where is,

KASARAH = The Lake?,

KSHINE VITTE= When the wealth is reduced ,

KAH = Where is,

PARIVAR = The retinue?,

JNATE TATTVE = When the Truth is Realised,

KAH =Where is,

SAMSARH =  The Life?

When the age [youthfulness] has passed, where is lust and its play?
When water is evaporated , Where is the Lake?
When Wealth is Reduced, Where is the Retinue?
When the Truth is Realized, Where is Life?


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