Angam  Galitam  Palitam  Mundam

Dasanavihinam  Jatam  Tundam

Vrddho  yati  Grahitva  Dandam

Tadapi  Na  Muncaty  asapindam.

Angam  =  the body,

Galitam  =   [has been ] worn out,

Palitam  =  has turned grey,

Mundam  =  the hair [ of the head],

Dasavavihinam  =  toothless,

Jatam  =  has become,

Tundam  =  mouth,

Vrddho  =  the old man,

Yati  =  moves[goes] out,

Grahitva  =  having taken [leaning on],

Dandam  =  staff[walking stick],

Tadapi  =  even then,

Na  =  never,

Muncaty  =   leaves,

ASAPINDAM  =  The bundle of desires.

Bhaja govindam  =  seek govinda.

The body has become worn out.
The head has turned grey.
The mouth has become toothless.
The old man moves about leaning on his staff /stick.
Even then he leaves not the bundle of his desires.
Seek govinda again.


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