




YAAVAT VITTOPARJANASAKTAHA =  How long earning capacity is there,

TAAVAT NIJAPARIVAARAO  RAKTAHA = That long your people behind you.

PACYAAT, JAJJARA DEHE JEEVATI  =  Later, when you become weak, and old unable to earn,

GEHE KOPI VAARTAAM NA PRUCCHATI = Then nobody will come to your home, even for a formal relationship.

Human by nature are selfish, when you are sure to receive, then only you offer to others. If you don't get, then you won't give. In short if you earn and have, then only even your family members respect you, in the hope of getting benefits. 

Human cannot continue the status for long, as earning capacity, body, and mind  become weak due to old age, [ it is a nature's law.]  the dependents and friends, leave you as there is no use for them. This is the world's nature.

That is:-"As long as you are fit to make an earning, so long will your kith and kin be solicitous about you, but no sooner your body becomes weak and your earning cease, none will care for you, not even your home folk".  

This slogam is about "ATMA SWAROOPA VICHARAM". By this vicharam [thought] the Sadakan discards all wrong notions and values from his mind. And understanding that the materialism and physical comforts will not secure your life, drop this way of life and turn your mind towards the LORD. Act now, here itself  when you are young, your health and strength [of body and mind] are fully fit. DI IT !    


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