
Showing posts from November, 2012
SLOGAM:-7. BALASTAVAT  KRIDASAKTAH TARUNAASTAVAT  TARUNISAKTAH VRDDHASTAVAT  CCINTASAKTAH PARAME BRAHMANI  KOPI  NA  SAKTAH. BALASTAVAT  =  So long as one is in one's childhood, KRIDASAKTAH  =  One is attached  to [towards] play, TARUNAASTAVAT  =  A youth [so long as one is in youth],  TARUNI  SAKTAH  =  Attached  towards young women [towards passion ], VRRDDHSTAVAT  =  So long as one is old  [an old man ], CCINTASAKTAH  =  One is attached , towards anxiety, PARAME  =  To the Supreme, BRAHMANI  =  Brahman[ Lord], KAH API  =  Any one [alas], NA  =  No [seen], SAKTAH  =  Attached. So long as one is in one's boyhood, one is attached to play; so long as one is in youth, one is attached to one's own woman [passion], so as one is in  long   old age, one is attached to anxiety [pang]---Yet no one, alas to the SUPREME  BRAHMAN, is [ever seen] attached!
SLOGAM:-6. ----------------------------/ YAVAT  PAVANO  NIVASATI  DEHE TAAVAT  PRUCCHATI  KUSALO  GEHE  GATAVATI  VAAYOU  DEHA  PAYE BARYA  BIBYATI  TASMIN  KAYE. YAVAT  DEHE  PAVANAHA   NIVASATI  =  How long air [life]  remain in the body; TAVAT  GEHE  KUSALAM PRUCCHATI  =  That long people are attached to you; DEHA PAYE  VAYU GATAVATI  =  When the body falls and the air [life] is separated, TASMIN KAYE  BARYA  BIBYATI  =  Even wife will be afraid of that body. SWAMI SANKARACHARYA IN THIS SLOGAM , EXPLAINS THE SAREERA DHARMAM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ It is very difficult to divert the mind to higher, superior values without--(1) discarding blind attachment to silly things, (2) developing detachment to objects. But it is not correct to give too much importance to detachment to objects as seen in Buddhism, this may block the interes
Slogam:-5. YAAVAT  VITTOPARJANASAKTAHA, TAAVAT NIJAPARIVAARO  RAKTAHA. PACYAAT,  JAJJARA DEHE  JEEVATI, VAARTTAAM KOPI  NA  PRUCCHATI  GEHE. YAAVAT VITTOPARJANASAKTAHA =  How long earning capacity is there, TAAVAT NIJAPARIVAARAO  RAKTAHA = That long your people behind you. PACYAAT, JAJJARA DEHE JEEVATI  =  Later, when you become weak, and old unable to earn, GEHE KOPI VAARTAAM NA PRUCCHATI = Then nobody will come to your home, even for a formal relationship. Human by nature are selfish, when you are sure to receive, then only you offer to others. If you don't get, then you won't give. In short if you earn and have, then only even your family members respect you, in the hope of getting benefits.  Human cannot continue the status for long, as earning capacity, body, and mind  become weak due to old age, [ it is a nature's law.]  the dependents and friends, leave you as there is no use for them. This is the world's nature. That is:
SLOGAM:-[Stanza]:4. -----------------------------------------/ NALINI  DALAGATA  JALAM  ATI TARALAM   TADVAT  JEEVITAM   ADICAYA  CHAPALAM VIDDHI  VYADI ABIMANA  GRASTAM LOKAM  SOGAHATAM   CHA   SAMASTAM. NALINI  DALAGATA   JALAM  ATI  TARALAM   =   A drop of water on the petal of the Lotus, its balance, stability  and survival  is not sure; TADVAT  =  Like wise, JEEVITAM,  ADHICAYA  CHAPALAM  =   Life is also extremely unsteady. SAMASTAM   LOKAM,  VYADI  ABIMANA  GRASTAM   SOGAHATAM   CHA   VIDDHI   =   The  whole world is suffering from disease, false impressions, sorrow,  let you know this truth. In the first,second, and third sloga Acharya points are on:- 1.Death, 2. Kanchanam [thirst for wealth], 3. Kamini [men sensual adiction to woman]. Here Swamiji touch on LIFE SPAN. Lotus grows in water, survives in it, blosoming too in water, finally dies in water. At that stage a seed germinates and again a lotus shines, spreading the scent. The water in
SLOGAM:- 3. -----------------------------------/ NAREE  STHANABARAM NABEE DESAM DRUSHTVA MAA GHAA  MOHAVESAM ETATH  MAMSAVASATHI VIKARAM MANASI VICINDAYA VAARAM  VAARAM. NAREE STHANABARANABEEDESAM  DRUSHTVA = Seeing women breasts and naval part; MOHAVESAM MAA GHAA: = DON'T STUN/THRILLED. ETATH MAMSA VASATHI  VIKATAM = These are flesh and fat packed under the skin,so; VAARAM VAARAM MANASI  VICINDAYA = Again and again think about this in your mind. Swamiji in the second slogam warns about the thirst on amassing wealth, here emphasis on the danger of men's attitude towards the women and the vasanas/thirst  for sensual physical pleasures. Acharya mention kanchanam for wealth, where as here kamini for woman. Acharya is not disregard/disrespect  with woman or motherhood,the newborn baby is closely held on her naval and the breast feeding done with at most care and love, men forget, this happened in his babyhood too, Swamiji wants him to recall his memory, an
SLOGAM:-[STANZA]-2. -----------------------------------------------------/ MOODA  JAHEEHI  DHANAGAMATHRUSHNAM KURU  SADBUDDHIM  MANASI  VITHRUSHNAM YALLABASE  NIJAKARMO  PAATHAM VITTAM  THENE VINODAYA CITTAM. MOODA!  DHANAAGAMATHRUSHNAM = DROP THE EXTREME  THIRST FOR , WEALTH CREATION FOOL; MANASI VITHRUSHNAM SADBUDDHIM KURU = FILL THE MIND WITH THE THOUGHTS OF THE LORD[GOD/ESWARAN]; NIJAKARMOPAATHAM YAD VITTAM LABASE = WHAT EVER YOU GET FROM YOUR SWAKARMAM [OWN JOB/WORK/ACTIVITY] ; THENA CITTAM VINODAYA = BE HAPPY WITH THAT, LET YOUR MIND BE SATISFIED WITH THAT INCOME. In the previous slogam-1, Swamiji warn us, to pray the lord, as no one comes to our help or joins with us when death arrives. In this slogam-2, Swamiji touch our greed and the consequences- As the sense organs are outwards, the mankind do not see the Paramatma inside him/her. We need the eyes of wisdom  to see/feel the Lord. The sense organs always search for some kind of sensual pleasures,  
SLOGAM [STANZA] 1.[By Swami Adi Sankaracharya.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/  BHAJAGOVINDAM  BHAJAGOVINDAM  GOVINDAM  BHAJA  MOODAMATHE  SAMPRAPTHE  SANNIHITHE  KALE  NAHI  NAHI  RAKSHATHI  DUKRUJNA  KARANE. Bhajagovindam bhajagovindam govindam bhajamudamathe = Pray Govinda, pray govinda pray govinda only ignorent man! Sannihithe  kale  samprapthe = When the time [Death] arrives, Dukrujna  karane  nahi nahi rakshathi = No formula will come to your rescue. This begining slogam is pallavi, from next slogam onwards this pallavi is repeated. During Satsamgham meetings, all participants can sing this keerthanam; one leads the group witha slogam, and others will repeat this pallavi after. Acharya in this first slogam declares to his sishyas, to discard greed to amass wealth and come out of the desires, then instead fill with Eswara [Lord] chindha [thoughts]. The word dukrujnakarane is u