BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 18. : Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya


Thursday, 13 Jul 2023 05:30. 

Bhaja Govindam

Slokam - 18: The Man of True Dispassion

By Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya



"sura maṁdira taru mula nivasah sayya bhutala majinaṁ vasaḥ |

sarva parigraha bhoga tyagaḥ kasya sukhaṁ na karoti viragaḥ" || 18 ||


Word Meaning:

sura mamdira taru mula nivasah - dwelling (sheltering) in temples, under trees, 

sayya - bed (sleeping), 

bhutalam - on the naked ground, 

ajinam- (wearing)) skin (deer's)

vasah - cloth, 

sarva parigraha - of the possession, 

bhoga - of thirst to enjoy, 

tyagah - renouncing, 

kasya - whose, 

sukham - happiness, 

na - not, 

karoti - brings, 

viragah - dispassion.



"No one can disturb the peace of mind and viragam, if one is willingly taking shelter in temples, under trees, sleeping on the naked ground, wearing a deer skin, and thus renouncing all idea of possession and thirst to enjoy."



 Real happiness is an internal state of mind. 

 There is no other means to gain and enjoy bliss except through perfect renunciation. 

 By renouncing the thoughts of possession and relinquishing all materialistic pleasure, one lives happily, ever self-sufficient, as one has discovered an inexhaustible well of joy and a rich mind of true satisfaction in one's own deep within. 

 When renunciation is only external, and when there is still the sense of attachment within, one cannot discover the true joy of living. 

 Renunciation should be external as well as internal in all aspects of life. Then only one can reach the stage of Desire lessness, not as a result of deliberate running away from life, but due to a positive experience of intense self-sufficiency felt and lived within.

 One exercise to develop awareness of how attached we are is to physically renounce whatever article, being or circumstance. If we are disturbed by the absence of whatever this will exploit our unhealthy mental relationship with that whatever. If we are not disturbed by the absence of that whatever this will affirm our healthy relationship with that whatever. This develops dispassion, viragam - detachment from material objects. 

 Danam is a micro exercise of this renunciation in the sense when we donate resources, we are able to gauge whether we are disturbed, or not, by living with less.

“Everybody dies, nobody dies.” 

Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda.


Next-Slogam - 19.

To be continued



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