BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 17.

Chinmaya Mission :

On February 26th, Mrs. Kanchana Venkat, Artistic Director of Isha Dance Company, presented a captivating dance program called "Shree Ram" as a fundraiser for Chinmaya Mission San Jose. The program was based on the lyrics of Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda and included compositions from Ramacharitamanas, narrated by Lord Shiva to Parvathy. Sruti Sarathy composed the music to accompany the lyrics. Megha Ranganathan (vocal), Shriya Anand (violin), and Amit Ranganathan (mrudangam), who were all Chinmaya students, provided excellent musical support for Kanchana's students' dance performance. Br. Soham ji, resident acharya of CMSJ, was the chief guest of the housefull program.

The dance program was a beautiful display of artistry and devotion to Lord Rama. The visuals from the program were impressive and showcased the performers' skills and dedication to their craft. It was heartening to see the community come together to support such a worthy cause and enjoy an evening of cultural celebration. Mrs. Kanchana Venkat and her team of performers deserve praise for their outstanding performance and commitment to the cause.


Monday, March 20,  2023. 06:00. 

Slokam- 17: Fooled by Moderation


Slokam- 17: Fooled by Moderation
With Translation :

kurute gangaa saagara gamanam   =  One may do pilgrimage to the end of Ganga; 


vrata- pari- paalanam- athavaa   =  daanam; or observe vows; or distribute gifts in charity.


jnaana vihheenah sarvam- atena  =  All authorities are equivocal that without the experience of Truth, 

bhajati na muktim janma- shatena.   =  he gains no release even in a hundred lives.


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) : 

The same situation that in verse 15 was worsened by indulgence, and in verse 16 not 

resolved by physical austerity, is here attempted to be resolved through following the path 

of moderation. If the extremes have failed, will the moderate path succeed? – that is the 

logic being pursued.


In the belief that moderation will succeed, people adopt the simple philosophy of

“a little of everything”. There is no doubt that what they are doing is good in itself. There is 

nothing wrong or harmful in what is being described here. Indeed, the scriptures themselves

have suggested these methods for people at certain stages of their spiritual life. However, in 

themselves they do not free us from desire, not even by an inch. 

In a country like India, millions of people are on pilgrimage at any one time. 

Pilgrimaging has become a huge industry. The point being made here is that even this 

apparently moderate path fails to bring one to liberation. Why?

The truth that desires have to be rooted out in the mind is escaped even in this 

method. It is conveniently bypassed by focusing on all the external purificatory means given 

in the Shastras. All the pilgrimages, all the vows, all the charity will not avail if one does not 

educate the mind to give up its habit of seeking pleasure in outer objects.


This is the Vedantic view of Sadhana, and it has time and again proven itself to be 

correct by numerous saints and sages who took this advice seriously. Other schools of 

philosophy also agree on this point that desire is a mental phenomenon, except that some 

of them use that very fact to deify the mind!

None can get liberated by bypassing the essential step of disciplining the mind and 

purging it of all desires. If the dirt is inside the house, how does it help to go on washing the outside? 

Slokas 15, 16 and 17 are a clear message to all earnest seekers that freedom from 

desires is obtained by bringing one’s mind under control. There is no escape from this 

Sadhana. Any other technique is destined for failure.


Slokam - 18: The Man of True Dispassion
To be continued



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