BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 15.



Monday, August 08,  2022. 09:00. 

Slokam 15: Fooled by Desire -


Slokam :

aṅgaṁ galitaṁ palitaṁ muṇḍaṁ daśanavihīnaṁ jātaṁ tuṇḍam |
vṛddho yāti gṛhītvā daṇḍaṁ tadapi na muñcatyāśāpiṇḍam || 15 |


Word Meaning:

aṅgaṁ - the body, 

galitaṁ - (has been) worn out, 

palitaṁ - has turned grey, 

muṇḍaṁ - the hair (the head), 

daśanavihīnaṁ - toothless, 

jātaṁ - has become, 

tuṇḍam - mouth, 

vṛddho - the old man, 

yāti - moves (goes) about, 

gṛhītvā - having taken (leaning on), 

daṇḍaṁ - (his) staff, 

tadapi - even then, 

na - never, 

muñcaty- leaves, 

āśāpiṇḍam- the bundle of desires.



The body has become worn out. The head has become bald or turned grey. The mouth has become toothless. 

The old man moves about with the support of crutches. Even then the attachment is so strong that he clings firmly to the bundle of (fruitless) desires.


 The power of desire to enjoy through sense objects is irresistible.


 In spite of dilapidated physical form with tottered age, hair grown grey, toothless mouth, leaning on a stick for support, we still cling on to desires. 

 A young body with a young mind can entertain and experience pleasure. An old body with a young mind can entertain desires yet no longer has the capability to experience pleasures

 Thus, suffering from the ravages of time, one leads an agonizing life.

 Through this sloka, one is instructed that when one is young, one should learn and put into practice the art of  renunciation of desires, which is the basic reason for all sufferings, so that by the time one gets old, it becomes a habit to adjust oneself to the situation at that time and one retires with peace of mind and ultimately leaves the body in tranquility and inner joy.

 Whatever activity one may be engaged in, that should be governed by the spirit of renunciation in the heart. 

 The mind should always be kept pure, whatever may be the external form. 

 To give up truly is to abandon the desires that work up the mind. It is possible by only one method, i.e., by keeping the heart and mind pure. 

“Success or achievement is not the final goal. It is the 'spirit' in which you act that puts the seal of beauty upon your life.” -

Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda


Next - Slokam-16 Fooled by Austerity

To be continued ...



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