BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 7. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji.


Wednesday, September  30, 2020. 

Dvadasha Manjarika Stotram

Part - 2.

Slokam-s - 2-13 (12 No)

"Pitfalls to Bewarw of"

Slokam 7: Attachment in Boyhood, Youth and Old Age.


Sloka#7 : Attachment in Boyhood, Youth and Old Age

"bala stavat kridasaktah

taruna stavat tarunisaktah |

vrddha stavat-saktah

parame brahmani kopi na saktah. || 7 ||


Tattvam : (Essence)

So long as one is in one’s boyhood, one is attached to play; so long as one is in youth, one is attached to one’s own young woman (passion); so long as one is in old age, one is attached to anxiety (pang); yet hardly anyone who yearns to be attached to Brahman that is limitless.


Translation : 

bala stavat  =  So long as one in one's boyhood;

krida  =  (towards play) to play;

asaktah  =  (one is) attached;

taruna stavat  =  a youth (so long as one is in youth);

taruni  =  towards young women (towards passion);

saktah  =  (one is) attached;

vrddha stavat  =  so long as one is old (an old man);

 cinta  =  towards anxiety;

asaktah  =  (one is ) attached;

parame  =  to the Supreme;

Brahmam  =  Brahmam;

kah api =  any one ( alas);

na  =  no (seen);

saktah  =  attached.

bhaja  =  seek;

govind  =  Govinda.


Discourse : 

 The mind is so tricky that it always finds some excuses. It always has some justification that there are more important things to do.

 One of the biggest delusion people have is that spiritual pursuit can be postponed to old age or retirement. First, we don’t know how long we will live, so postponement is delusion. Second, we are so immersed in materialism for so many years, suddenly having to change at old age is impossible. Mind soaked in materialism will be difficult to change. Materialistic vasanas will be high.

 We need to reflect upon our priorities in life. What is the goal of life? Why we are born? Where did we come from? Where we are going? This inquiry will lead us to seek Self Knowledge.

 Once we realize that whatever we get from the world is impermanent and only Lord is the permanent, then we can slowly turn our attention to the Lord.

 Instead of spending all our time in the seeking the world, we can slowly spending time for the Lord. As we age, we can spend more time to turn our attention to the Lord.

 Constantly reflect on the painful realities of being born, growing old, falling sick and eventually dying. Pain is there all through life.

 Withdraw ourselves from the preoccupations of the senses and seek the changeless and the immutable

 Withdraw from the fields of pain ridden sorrows – the ephemeral gains and the shocking losses and be attached to the Lord.

 Attachment to God will bring about an efficient detachment from the ever changing realms of objects.

 We as a parents one of the highest responsibilities we have is to direct their children to the Highest. Every being needs to be happy. And every intelligent being knows the only means to being happy is the Self. As such, if parents do not facilitate/encourage/lead their children to pursue higher and higher meaning in their lives, then those parents are neglecting their dharma, those parents are slowing their children down, those parents are engaged in disservice.

To be continued ...



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