Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM -1.5. MOHA-MUDGARA - BHAJA GOVINDAM ( SEEK GOVIND ) - Swami Chinmayananda



"Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam
Govindam Bhaja Mudhamate,
Samprapte Sannihite Kale
Na Hi Na Hi Rakkshati Dukrn Karane."

Bhaja - seek,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Bhaja - seek,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Bhaje - seek,
Mudhamate - O Fool!
Samprapte - ( When ) comes,
Sannihite -appointed,
Kale - time ( death ),
Na Hi - surely never,
Na Hi - surely never,
Rakshate - saves,
Dukrn Karane - grammar rule to do.

Translation :

Seek Govind, Seek Govind, Seek Govind, O Fool! When the appointed time (death) comes grammar-rules surely will not save

 This sloka is a chorus and repeated after each sloka.
 Adi Sankaracharya here when referring to Grammar (dukrn-karane) implies all the secular sciences cannot save the soul
when death approaches.
 All our worldly pursuits/actions need to focus on the ultimate goal of self-realization.
 Bhaja, means worship, which does not mean ritualistic routine, but true Bhajan is ‘seva’ – service.
 The true Bhajan is total subjective surrender in love and devotion at the altar of the lord.
 The process of self-liquidation at the feet of the lord is classified under nine types (Nava-vidha bhakti)

1. Sravanam (Listening to lords glory)
2. Kirtanam (Singing lords glory)
3. Smaranam (constantly thinking)
4. Padasevanam (Adoring the feet of the lord in a spirit of self-obliteration)
5. Archanam (worship with Vedic hymns)
6. Vandanam (Pay obeisance to the lord)
7. Dasyam (serving the lord)
8. Sakhyam (to invoke the lord as a friend)
9. Atma nivedanam (to offer oneself in total self-surrender to the lord)

Govindam  means :

1. One who realized the substratum, or the very essence – the Truth.
2. One who protects the cattle, or the very essence behind the all living things.
3. He who confers speech – or one who enlivens all sense organs
4. He who is known thru the Vedas – the supreme reality indicated by the Maha Vakyas

In short Govindam is the supreme Brahman or the Atman.
The significance of repetition of Bhaja Govinda is also explained as..

1. Frist, Seek Govindam represents seek guru. Seek a capable guru.
2. Second, Seek Govinda represents seek knowledge. Seek the knowledge that aids in self-realization.
3. Govindam Bhaja… , With that knowledge, mediate and contemplate to seek Govinda, the all-pervading Govinda.

In this slokam Adi Sankaracharya reminds us seeking Govinda is the purpose of our life.

Slokam#1 Thoughts for reflections:

 The primary goal for human birth.
 The symbolism and the representation of the word grammar in this Sloka.
 Ways we can Seek Govinda..

To be continued ...



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