Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM : 2-MOHA-MUDGARA - BHAJA GOVINDAM ( SEEK GOVIND ) - 1.1 : Swami Chinmayananda


"Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam
Govindam Bhaja Mudhamate,
Samprapte Sannihite Kale
Na Hi Na Hi Rakkshati Dukrn Karane."

Bhaja - seek,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Bhaja - seek,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Bhaje - seek,
Mudhamate - O Fool!
Samprapte - ( When ) comes,
Sannihite -appointed,
Kale - time ( death ),
Na Hi - surely never,
Na Hi - surely never,
Rakshate - saves,
Dukrn Karane - grammar rule to do.

"Seek Govind, Seek Govind, Seek Govind, O Fool! When the appointed time comes ( death ), grammar - rules surely will not save you."

Discussion : 1.

This opening stanza is considered as a chorus, and is generally repeated at the end of the following verses. 'Bhaja Govindam' is a chant, that is generally sung in congregations. 

The leader sings each verse and the entire audience takes up the refrain, 'Bhaja Govindam' 'Bhaja Govindam' .

In this refrain-verse the disciple is asked to pack his/her heart with thoughts of Iswara rather than with his/her anxieties to acquire, hoard,  or possess secular accomplishments or even achievements.

The grammar-rule that has been indicated here stands for 'all secular knowledge and possessions'.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-8, Slokam-5, 

"Anta Kale Ca Mam Eva Smaran Mukta Va Kalevaram,
 yah prayati sa madbhavam yathi nasty atra samsayah."

yah anta kale ca - ( he/she ) who in the time of death,
mam eva smaran - with meditating only on me,
kalevaram muktva prayathi - leave his/her body,
sad madbhavam yati - he/she attains MY NATURE, DISSOLVE IN ME ( JIVATMA JOINS PARAMATMA)
atra samsayam nasty - in this no doubt at all.

The grammatical formula mentioned herein, 'Dukrinyakarane' is from dhatupatha of panani's grammar treatise. 

Discussion continued ...


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