Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM : 1- INTRODUCTION - 7 : Swami Chinmayananda

Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM : 1- INTRODUCTION - 7 : Swami Chinmayananda


Though it is classified as a devotional song ( Stotram ) the chorus alone can be truely designed as a prayer verse.
The rest of the thirty stanzas, with scientific precision, dissect the shell of thoughtlessness that veils the glory in man kind and forces him/her to be helplessly stupid in his/her relationship with the world outside. The verses, on the whole, can be considered as a "Book of categories"  ( Prakriya ), in the science of Vedanta.

Unlike the other manuels of Vedanta - Atma Bodham, Vivekacudamani, Panchadasi, and others ...
Bhaja Govindam gives, within the limited canvas of its composition, a moreelequent pictureof the art of realisation and is deeper diagnosis of the human unhappiness. It not only indicates to the students  the goal and path, but also reveals unto hin/her wrechedness of his/her present way of life, the horrors of his/her present values of life, and dire consequences that await him/her if he/she continues to pursue the path of ego and desire.

This simple looking Stotram is not addressed to other equally vehement philosophers and erudite disputents.
Naturally, it contains, therefore, no elaborate logical arguments to prove Swami Adi Sri Sankaracharya's own hilosophical standpoint.
Not has the author wasted anu labour in breaking other unhealthy and unholy misbeliefs.
In short, there are no dialectics in these stanzas.

To be continued .. 


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