Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM : 1. INTRODUCTION - 1 : Swami Chinmayananda



Bhagavatpada Acharya Sri Sankarachara was not only a great thinker and noblest of Advaitic philosophers, but he was essentially an inspired champion of Sanatana Dharmam and one of the most vigorous missionaries in our holy country.

Such a powerful leader was needed at the time when Sanatana Dharmam had been almost smothered ( as now happening all over BHARATHAM in the name of Secularism, Activism,etc., ) within the enticing entanglements of Buddhist philosophy and, consequently, the decadent Society following Sanatana Dharmam had come to be broken up and disunited ( as now we see by politicians tarnishing ) into sects and denominations, each championing a different view-point and mutually quarrelling in endless argumentation.

Each pundit, as it were, had his own followers, his own philosophy, his own interpretations .. ( as we see in the garb of god-man  with violent anti social cum anti national groups of law breaking followers in various parts of the country ).

Each one was a vehement and powerful opponent of all other views. This intellectual disintegrations, ( as we see in Karnataka where intellectuals glorify Tippu and tarnish Adi Sri Sankaracharya, and scriptures Bhagavad Gita and so on..., ) especially in the scriptural field, was never beforeso serious and so dangerously calamitous as in the times of Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

To be continued ...


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