BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 17.

Chinmaya Mission : On February 26th, Mrs. Kanchana Venkat, Artistic Director of Isha Dance Company, presented a captivating dance program called "Shree Ram" as a fundraiser for Chinmaya Mission San Jose. The program was based on the lyrics of Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda and included compositions from Ramacharitamanas, narrated by Lord Shiva to Parvathy. Sruti Sarathy composed the music to accompany the lyrics. Megha Ranganathan (vocal), Shriya Anand (violin), and Amit Ranganathan (mrudangam), who were all Chinmaya students, provided excellent musical support for Kanchana's students' dance performance. Br. Soham ji, resident acharya of CMSJ, was the chief guest of the housefull program. The dance program was a beautiful display of artistry and devotion to Lord Rama. The visuals from the program were impressive and showcased the performers' skills and dedication to their craft. It was heartening to see the community come together to support such a worthy cause ...