
Showing posts from November, 2020

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 7. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji.

------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September  30, 2020.  Dvadasha Manjarika Stotram Part - 2. Slokam-s - 2-13 (12 No) "Pitfalls to Bewarw of" Slokam 7: Attachment in Boyhood, Youth and Old Age. -------------------------------------------------------- Sloka#7 : Attachment in Boyhood, Youth and Old Age "bala stavat kridasaktah taruna stavat tarunisaktah | vrddha stavat-saktah parame brahmani kopi na saktah. || 7 || ------------------------------------------------- Tattvam : (Essence) So long as one is in one’s boyhood, one is attached to play; so long as one is in youth, one is attached to one’s own young woman (passion); so long as one is in old age, one is attached to anxiety (pang); yet hardly anyone who yearns to be attached to Brahman that is limitless. ----------------------------------------------- Translation :  bala stavat  =  So long as one in one's boyhood; krida  =  (towards play) to play; asaktah  =  (one is) attached; tarun