Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM -1.4. MOHA-MUDGARA - BHAJA GOVINDAM ( SEEK GOVIND ) - Swami Chinmayananda

"Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam
Govindam Bhaja Mudhamate,
Samprapte Sannihite Kale
Na Hi Na Hi Rakkshati Dukrn Karane."
Bhaja - seek,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Bhaja - seek,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Govindam - the Paramatma,
Bhaje - seek,
Mudhamate - O Fool!
Samprapte - ( When ) comes,
Sannihite -appointed,
Kale - time ( death ),
Na Hi - surely never,
Na Hi - surely never,
Rakshate - saves,
Dukrn Karane - grammar rule to do.
Translation :

"Seek Govind, Seek Govind, Seek Govind, O Fool! When the appointed time comes ( death ), grammar - rules surely will not save you."

There is a set of optimistic men of mere book-knowledge who quote the Gita and say that at the time of parting they shall remember the Lord and thus achieve all that is is to be achieved, in the Gita it is said, " One who leaves the mortal coil of remembering Me, is saved." Book-knowledge cannot save us from the the unrelenting Law; the Law is the Lord.

Even in the Gita it is said : " antakale ca.

The importance of the conjunction 'ca' is not generallu well realised. Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya in his commentary explains that this conjunction 'ca' stands for "all the life and at the time of parting."

The term 'bhaja' means 'worship'. It is not merely ritualistic routine and monotonous flower throwing, or a mechanical chanting of some selected mantras or hymns. 

"Seeking our identity with the Lord" is true bhajan, true seva- 'service'.

Be it in your house room or in a temple, the 'services' conducted therein, no doubt, have been regularised, with certain codes of instructions; this is only to bring uniformity throughout the country. To go through those movements is at best only a 'religious drill'.

True bhajan is a total subjective surrender, in love and devotion, at the alter of the Lord as conceived by the devotee.
To be continued ...  



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