BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Song - 25 Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

================================================================================= Saturday 07, November 2024, 011:20. Bhaja Govindam Song - 25: Beyond All Sense of Difference Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya. ================================================================================= 1 shatrau mitre putre bandhau = With your opponent, well-wisher, son or relative, 2 maa kuru yatnam vigraha- sandhau= strive not to be at strife or make friendship; 3 sarvasmin api pashy-aatmaanam : but see the one Self in everything and 4 sarvatra- utsrija bheda- ajnaanam.= everywhere; tear down all sense of difference. =================================================================================== Here we have a model to base all our human relationships in life. The whole song suggests to us that they should be based on the underlying Truth (Brahman) that unites all creation. It may appear to be a tall order, but it is guarante...