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BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slogam - 22: Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

==================================================================================== Tuesday 20, Aug 2024. 05:30.  Bhaja Govindam Slogam - 22:  The Path to Liberation  ==================================================================================== 1  rathyaa charpata virachita kanthah =  The Yogin who wears but a godadi,  2  punya- apunya vivarjita panthah; =  who walks the path beyond merit and demerit,  3   yogee yoga niyojita vitto =  whose mind is joined in perfect union with its goal,  4 ramate baala-unmattavad eva. = revels (in God), and lives as a child or a madman.  =========================================================================== The previous slogam ended with the two essential qualities an aspirant has to possess  to tread this path. The essence of this verse is to spell out the means or the Sadhana that  identifies the spiritual path to the goal of Liberation, as opposed to the means to any other  goal. The spiritual goal is made reachable through Sadhana or s

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slogam - 21: Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

================================================================= Friday 16, Feb 2024. 05:30.  Bhaja Govindam Slogam - 21:  ================================================================= Slogam - 21. (What is Liberation?): 1."Punarapi jananam punarapi maranam  2.punarapi jananee jathare shayanam;  3.iha samsaare bahu dustaare 4.kripaayaa’paare paahi muraare."  ================================================================= Translation: 1.  punarapi jananam punarapi maranam   = Once again birth, and again death,  2.  punarapi jananee jathare shayanam;   = and again lying in mother’s womb –  3.  iha samsaare bahu dustaare   = this Samsara process is very hard to cross over…  4.  kripaayaa’paare paahi muraare. = Save me, Murari, through Thy infinite kindness!  ================================================================= Commentary: The topic of Liberation, which popped up its head in the last verse, is here taken up  for its full definition and explanation. From “a lit