
Showing posts from June, 2021

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 12. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji (Reflection by Swami Guru Bhaktananda - Chinmaya Mission.).

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, June 13,  2021. 8 : 08. AM. Slokam 12 : The Stubborn Gusts of Desire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam #12 : "Dinayaaminyau saayam praatah shishira vasantau punara- ayaatah; kaalah kreedati gacchaty- aayuh  tadapi na munchaty-aashaa vaayuh." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 dinayaaminyau saayam praatah        =     Day and night, dawn and dusk, 2 shishira vasantau punara- ayaatah;    =     winter and spring, again they come (and go). 3 kaalah kreedati gacchaty- aayuh        =    With the play of time, life ebbs away. 4 tadapi na munchaty-aashaa vaayuh.   =     And yet, one leaves not the gusts of desires. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------