BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 10. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji (Swami Guru Bhaktananda).

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, April 22, 2021. 07 : 42. AM. Slokam - 10 : Without Cause, No Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-10. "vayasigate kaḥ kāmavikāraḥ śuṣke nīre kaḥ kāsāraḥ | kṣīṇevitte kaḥ parivāraḥ jñāte tattve kaḥ saṁsāraḥ" || 10 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 vayasi gate kah kaama- vikaarah = When the age for it has passed, where is lust and its play? 2 shushke neere kah kaasaarah; = When water has evaporated, where is the lake? 3 ksheene vitte kah parivaaro = When wealth is reduced, where is the retinue? 4 jnaate tattve kah samsaarah. = When the Truth is realized, where is Samsara? -------------------...