
Showing posts from March, 2021

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 9. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, March 18,  2021. 08 : 54. AM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam -9 : Satsang Liberates Us SATSANG  NON-ATTACHMENT  NON-DELUSION  SELF-REALISATION  LIBERATION "Atsaṅgatve nissaṅgatvaṁ nissaṅgatve nirmohatvam | nirmohatve niścalatattvaṁ niścalatattve jīvanmuktiḥ." || 9 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word Meaning: satsaṅgatve - through the company of the good, nissaṅgatvaṁ - (there arises) non-attachment, nissaṅgatve - through non-attachment, nirmohatvam - (there arises) freedom from delusion, Nirmohatve - through the freedom from delusion, niścala - Immutable, tattvaṁ – Reality, niścalatattve - through the Immutable Reality, jīvanmuktiḥ - (comes) the state of 'liberated-in-life'. ---------------------------------------