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BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 13. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji (Reflection by Swami Guru Bhaktananda - Chinmaya Mission.).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, August 16,  2021. 7:22. AM. Slokam 13 : Surrendering Our Worries. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam 13: Surrendering Our Worries : "Ka te kaanta dhanagata chinta  vaatula kim tava nasti niyanta;  trijagati sajjana sangatir- ekaa bhavati bhava-arnava tarane nauka." || 13|| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 kaa te kaantaa dhanagata chintaa            = Why worry about wife, wealth, etc.? 2 vaatula kim tava naasti niyantaa;             = O distracted one! Is there not for you the One who ordains (rules or commands)? 3 trijagati sajjana sangatir- ekaa                  =  In the three worlds it is the association with good people alone 4bhavati bhava-arn

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 12. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji (Reflection by Swami Guru Bhaktananda - Chinmaya Mission.).

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, June 13,  2021. 8 : 08. AM. Slokam 12 : The Stubborn Gusts of Desire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam #12 : "Dinayaaminyau saayam praatah shishira vasantau punara- ayaatah; kaalah kreedati gacchaty- aayuh  tadapi na munchaty-aashaa vaayuh." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 dinayaaminyau saayam praatah        =     Day and night, dawn and dusk, 2 shishira vasantau punara- ayaatah;    =     winter and spring, again they come (and go). 3 kaalah kreedati gacchaty- aayuh        =    With the play of time, life ebbs away. 4 tadapi na munchaty-aashaa vaayuh.   =     And yet, one leaves not the gusts of desires. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 11. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji (Reflection by Swami Guru Bhaktananda - Chinmaya Mission.).

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, May 30,  2021. 6 : 53. AM. Slokam - 11 :   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam #11 : "ma kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam harati nimesatkalah sarvam | mayamayamidamakhilaṁ buddhva brahmapadam tvam  pravisa viditva "|| 11 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word Meaning : mā - do not,  kuru - take,  dhana - in possession,  jana - in the people,  yauvana - in youth,  garvaṁ - pride,  harati - loots away (takes away),  nimeṣāt - in a moment,  kālah- the Time,  sarvam - all these,  māyāmayam- full of illusory nature,  idam - this,  akhilaṁ - all,  budhvā - after knowing,  brahmapadaṁ - the state of Brahman,  tvaṁ - you,  praviśa - enter into,  viditvā - after realising. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 10. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji (Swami Guru Bhaktananda).

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, April  22,  2021. 07 : 42. AM. Slokam - 10 :  Without Cause, No Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-10. "vayasigate kaḥ kāmavikāraḥ śuṣke nīre kaḥ kāsāraḥ | kṣīṇevitte kaḥ parivāraḥ jñāte tattve kaḥ saṁsāraḥ" || 10 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 vayasi gate kah kaama- vikaarah  = When the age for it has passed, where is lust and its play? 2 shushke neere kah kaasaarah;       = When water has evaporated, where is the lake? 3 ksheene vitte kah parivaaro          = When wealth is reduced, where is the retinue? 4 jnaate tattve kah samsaarah.         =  When the Truth is realized, where is Samsara? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 9. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, March 18,  2021. 08 : 54. AM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam -9 : Satsang Liberates Us SATSANG  NON-ATTACHMENT  NON-DELUSION  SELF-REALISATION  LIBERATION "Atsaṅgatve nissaṅgatvaṁ nissaṅgatve nirmohatvam | nirmohatve niścalatattvaṁ niścalatattve jīvanmuktiḥ." || 9 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word Meaning: satsaṅgatve - through the company of the good, nissaṅgatvaṁ - (there arises) non-attachment, nissaṅgatve - through non-attachment, nirmohatvam - (there arises) freedom from delusion, Nirmohatve - through the freedom from delusion, niścala - Immutable, tattvaṁ – Reality, niścalatattve - through the Immutable Reality, jīvanmuktiḥ - (comes) the state of 'liberated-in-life'. ---------------------------------------

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam -8. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, January 24, 2021. 10:31. AM.  Sloka#8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam : kāte kāntā kaste putraḥ saṁsāro'yamatīva vicitraḥ | kasya tvaṁ kaḥ kuta āyātaḥ tattvaṁ cintaya tadiha bhrātaḥ || 8 || ------------------------------------------------------- Meaning :  Who is your wife? Who is your son? Strange is this samsara. Of whom are you? From where have you come? Brother, ponder over these truths here. ------------------------------------------------------ Interpretation : This verse focuses on intellectual bondage. Who is your wife? Wife, in this context, is taken to mean all partners – in business, in a team sport, in a musical orchestra. In the larger context it means anybody we look to for comfort. Son or child refers to anyone who looks up to us for support. Who are they? Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? Have we ever t