
Showing posts from October, 2020

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam - 6. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji

  -------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September  30, 2020.  Dvadasha Manjarika Stotram Part - 2. Slokam-s - 2-13 (12 No) "Pitfalls to Bewarw of" -------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-6 :  Only While There is Life "Yaavat pavano nivasati dehe taavat pricchati kushalam gehe;  gatavati vaayau deha- apaaye bhaaryaa bibhyati tasmin kaaye." --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Translation : 1 yaavat pavano nivasati dehe         =  As long as there dwells breath in your body, 2 taavat pricchati kushalam gehe;    =  so long they enquire of your welfare at home; 3 gatavati vaayau deha-                  =  apaaye when the breath leaves and body decays, 4 bhaaryaa bibhyati tasmin kaaye.   =  even the wife is afraid of such a body! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discourse : 1.The theme begun in the previous verse is continued he