
Showing posts from July, 2020

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Slokam-3. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji

-------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, July 09, 2020. 9:36. AM. Dvadasha Manjarika Stotram Part - 2. Slokam-s - 2-13 (12 No) "Pitfalls to Bewarw of" -------------------------------------------------------- Slokam 3: Kamini : The Attraction for Woman "Nari-stana bhara nabhi-desam  Drishtva  Ma’Ga Moha- avesam; Etan mamsa vasadi vikaram Manasi Vichintaya varam varam." ---------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 nari-stana bhara nabhi-desam            =  Seeing the weighty bosoms of young maidens, and their navel – 2 drishtva ma’ga moha - avesam;         =  do not fall a prey to maddening delusion. 3 etan mamsa vasadi vikaram               =  These are but modifications of flesh and fat. 4 manasi vichintaya vaaram vaaram.     =    Reflect well in your mind again and again. -------------------------------------------------------------- Discourse : Going beyond the natural passions is not a weakness suffered by a