
Showing posts from April, 2020

BHAJA GOVINDAM "Hammer Blows to Delusion" : Verse-2. Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji

=========================== ------------------------------------------------- 11/04/2020. Dvadasha Manjarika Stotram Part - 2. Slokam-s - 2-13 (12 No) "Pitfalls to Bewarw of" ------------------------------------------------ Verse - 2 : "Kanchanam : The Thirst for Wealth" "Yellabhase Nijakarmopattam Vittam Tena Vimodaya Cittam (Bhaja-Govindam Bhaja-Govindam) ------------------------------------------- Translation : moodha jaheehi dhana-agama trishnaam  = O Fool! Give up the thirst to possess wealth. kuru sadbuddhim manasi vitrishnaam;     = Create in your mind, devoid of passions, thoughts of the Reality. yal-labhase nija karma-upaattam             = From your actions, whatever you get as vittam tena vinodaya                              = wealth, entertain your mind (be content). --------------------------------------- Discourse : 1. Moodha : “O Fool!” There is an urgency to wake up. When the house is on fire, there