Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM : 1- INTRODUCTION - 4 : Swami Chinmayananda

04/01/2019 1. INTRODUCTION : 4. Sri Adi Sankaracharya had brought into swamiji's literary dexterity in the works, both in prose and poetry, and at Acharya's hands, under the heat of Acharya's fervent ideals. the great Sanskrit language became almost a dove. Swamiji could mould it into any shape and into any form. From vigorous prose, heavily laden with irresistible arguments to flowing rivilets of lilting tuneful songs of live and beauty, there is no technique in language that Acharya did not take up; and whatever Swamiji took up, Swamiji proved himself to be a master in it. From masculine prose to soft feminine songs; from marching army verses to dancing songful words, be Acharya in the halls of the Upanishad discourses, or in the temple of the Brahma-Sutra expositions, or in the amphitheatre of Bhagavad Gita discourses, or in the open flowery fields of Swamiji's devotional songs, Acharya's was a creation that danced to the rhythm of heart and to the sw...