Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's BHAJA GOVINDAM : 1. INTRODUCTION - 2 : Swami Chinmayananda

14/11/2018 1. INTRODUCTION : 2. It was at such a time, when our society was fertile for any ideal thought or practical philosophy to thrive, that the beautiful values of non-injury, self-control, love and affection of the Buddha came to enchant alike the kings and their subjects of this country. But the general decadence of the age did not spare the Buddhists also. They among themselves, precipitated different viewpoints, and by the time Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya appeared on the horizon of history of Sanatana Dharmam ( Hindu history ), the atheistic school of Buddhists ( Asad-Vadis ) had enticed away large sections the people of Bharatham. It was into such a chaotic intellectual atmosphere that Swami Adi Sri Sankaracharya brought his life-giving philosophy of the "NON-DUAL BRAHMAM OF THE UPANISHADS." It can be very well understood what a colossal work it must have been fir a single man to undertake in those days,* (*7th/9th centuries AD ) when modern con...